by Evan Powell | May 29, 2024 | Estate Planning, Life
1. Immediate Access to Funds Number one being immediate access to funds. Many people don’t realize that with using a will to dispose of their assets, they have to probate the will, so the original will has to be found, submitted to the court. An executor has to...
by Evan Powell | May 23, 2024 | Litigation
As children in school, most of us were taught to “check your math” before handing in an assignment. Good advice in class but in a lawsuit, you need to go further and consider whether the one checking the math is doing it correctly. Analyzing and calculating numbers...
by Evan Powell | May 20, 2024 | Litigation
Appeals are for losers (in a case). Every case tried to a verdict will have a winner and a loser. For unsuccessful litigants, the consequences of that loss may be such that they want to file an appeal. Understanding the appellate process and what it entails is...
by Evan Powell | May 16, 2024 | Litigation
Under Connecticut law, domestic violence encompasses various actions including threats of pain and injury and stalking. In 2021, the definition was expanded to also include “coercive control.” This provision was called “Jennifer’s Law” and it gave victims of coercive...
by Evan Powell | May 2, 2024 | Business
Philanthropically minded individuals have become increasingly inclined to utilize a Donor-Advised Fund or DAF as a way to manage their charitable giving. DAFs can allow donors to make a contribution to the DAF which will then be managed and invested and the donor...